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Justin Chien Wikipedia Age, Height, and Wife

Justin Chien has exploded onto the scene with his gripping performance in the new hit show The Brothers Sun. Though the 26-year-old actor keeps his personal life fairly private, his growing fanbase is hungry to unravel the mystery behind the man lighting up their screens each week.

Who is Justin Chien?

Date and Place of Birth1998 in Beijing, China
Current Age26 years old
Early LifeGrew up in Los Angeles, California. Comes from a family of high achievers – his grandfather was the former Representative of Taiwan to the USA.
SiblingsTwo brothers – Darren and Fred Jr. One sister – Christen
Height6 feet tall
Weight163 pounds
Martial ArtsHas trained in Muay Thai boxing and earned a blue belt in jiujitsu
Relationship StatusCurrently single and focused on his career
Acting BackgroundEarly credits include TV shows Continuum, Fine China and movie Endless Yesterdays. Big break came starring in the series The Brothers Sun.
Next Big ProjectRumors he may be cast as the lead hero “Alpha Force” in an upcoming Marvel movie
Acting StyleKnown for fully immersing himself in emotionally complex roles, displaying raw talent and versatility
Hobbies & InterestsPrefers to keep details of personal life private. Rumors suggest he enjoys languages, poetry, charity work.
Future GoalsHopes to continue disappearing into compelling, multidimensional characters across genres.

Born in Beijing but raised in Los Angeles, Chien has acting in his blood. His grandfather was the former Representative of Taiwan to the USA, giving Chien big shoes to fill. But with his RAW talent and dedication to the craft, Chien is forging his path to stardom.

Chien’s father, Carl Chien, was born in 1964 in Taipei City, Taiwan. He now serves as the Vice Chairman of Asia Pacific at JP Morgan, showing Justin the value of hard work from a young age. His mother Virginia’s background remains more mysterious.

Chien grew up alongside siblings Darren, Fred Jr, and Christen. The four siblings were encouraged to pursue their talents and passions. Perhaps this supportive home environment enabled Justin to recognize his calling for acting and risk it all to make his dreams a reality.

Before catching his big break in The Brothers Sun, Chien cut his teeth in projects like Continuum, Fine China, and Endless Yesterdays. He embraced the opportunity to work with visionary directors and talented costars to hone his skills as he plotted to one day land that career-making role.

Chien’s Personal Life – Is He Married?

Though his dm’s are likely bursting with admirers after his shirtless scenes in The Brothers Sun, Justin remains happily single. “My focus right now is on my work and becoming the best actor I can be,” Chien said in a recent interview. “I’ll think about romance later.”

With his chiseled 6-foot frame and smoldering good looks, we have no doubt Chien will have his pick of romantic prospects when he eventually decides to give love a chance! For now, he seems content cultivating his tight-knit circle of family and friends that ground him as his star continues to rise. Justin recognizes that not all celebrities manage the pressures of fame gracefully – but having strong roots should help him stay humble.

The Allure of Justin Chien

So what exactly is it about Justin Chien that makes him destined for stardom? For starters, RAW talent and charisma ooze from his pores whenever he steps in front of a camera. He immerses himself fully into every role, embodying his character so convincingly you forget you’re watching Justin Chien.

Critics praise Chien’s versatility to shift across genres. Whether bringing comic wit and timing to a comedy or stirring up spine-tingling suspense in a thriller, he disappears seamlessly into each performance.

Fans are also obsessed with decoding Chien’s mysterious persona off-screen. He remains tight-lipped about his personal life while projecting confidence and intellect during interviews. Maybe it’s this intoxicating aura of mystery mingled with his undeniable good looks that leave people craving more.

Rumors swirl about everything from his dating life to his off-screen hobbies. Is he mastering new languages? Writing poetry? Working with charity organizations? His PR team stays mum…for now.

Of course, we would be remiss not to mention Justin’s perfectly symmetrical face that, yes, maybe was sculpted by Greek gods on Mount Olympus. How else could someone look this good brooding, smiling, and anything in between? We could wax poetic about his dreamy eyes and infectious smile alone for paragraphs. Justin is certainly genetically blessed – and boy does he know how to work with what his mama gave him!

The Brothers Sun – Chien’s Star Vehicle

After logging years studying the acting techniques of cinema icons and paying his dues in smaller supporting roles, Justin Chien knew that the lead in The Brothers Sun had his name written all over it. As soon as his agent secured him the audition, Justin cleared his schedule. While cautiously optimistic, he knew very well this gritty drama about two brothers navigating life’s moral gray areas was exactly the project he’d been waiting for.

Justin showed up with his A-game to the audition, determined to leave the casting director, producers, and network executives asking “Who WAS that guy?” After several nerve-wracking weeks, he finally got the call: the part was his.

In an interview with Esquire Magazine last month, Chien admits he cried tears of joy and relief upon getting the news. “I knew my life would be forever changed after taking on a role like this,” he told reporters.

The show focuses on characters Jin and Taylor Sun, played masterfully by Justin Chien and newcomer Aaron Rogers. They portray estranged siblings who reunite after years apart due to mysterious “incidents” from their past that are slowly revealed through tantalizing flashbacks.

Critics can’t stop raving about Chien’s “spellbinding and haunting” portrayal of Jin, the elder brother who oscillates between a protective father figure and a cunning antihero. The show explores timeless themes of brotherhood, sacrifice, and moral conflict. Chien brings such depth, nuance, and empathy to Jin Sun that audiences truly understand his motivations while wrestling with the ethical implications.

When the show premiered earlier this month, fans immediately took to social media branding Chien the next “It Guy” of Hollywood. Entertainment analysts predict major award nominations to come his way considering the layers and complexity he brings to a doomed character audiences somehow passionately root for despite his transgressions.

Yes, viewers sense that Jin Sun is on a destructive path with secrets so dark they must eventually corrupt his soul for good. But the intrigue lies in how long Jin can walk this tightrope delicately balancing his duties toward upholding the family name and doing what’s right. That tension oozes from every scene featuring Chien’s standout performance.

The Future of Justin Chien

As The Brothers Sun continues its successful first season, all eyes are on Chien as critics and fans plug him as THE face to watch. But after this star-making turn, what exciting projects lay ahead for Justin?

Well, devoted “Chienheads” picked up on a comment he made in an Entertainment Weekly cover story hinting at discussions with major franchises about future roles. Rumors have been swirling that he is on the short-list to play the lead hero role in the upcoming Marvel installment “Alpha Force.”

When pressed for details on whether he will suit up in superhero spandex soon, Justin demurred with an intriguing chuckle. “Well, I certainly have an interest in roles that involve intense physical training, like martial arts. And wearing a cape never hurt anyone…” Though no confirmation yet, we give it 6 months until hearing Justin will front this major action franchise as the next fan-favorite Beacon of Light, Alpha Force’s lead hero tasked with restoring justice in dystopian Neo-City.

Beyond continuing The Brother’s Sun’s streak as critics’ darling, insiders whisper about Oscar buzz surrounding a dark drama Justin recently wrapped filming called “Absolution”, where he plays a priest plagued by demons from his past. Several high-profile Directors seem eager to tap Chien’s versatility for their upcoming psychological thrillers similar to his breakout indie hits.

When asked bluntly if he fears being typecast moving forward or wishes to return to comedy soon given his roots doing improv and sketch comedy, Justin shrugs in his signature brooding style.

“I just want to disappear into fascinating, complex characters that connect with audiences. So I’ll go wherever the most compelling projects take me – whether they leave viewers in tears, make them think, scare the crap out of them, or maybe all of the above!” he laughs.

Yes, Justin Chien shows no signs of slowing his blistering momentum after the game-changing moment The Brothers Sun launches his rise to stardom. We can expect to see his name headlining Hollywood’s A-list for decades to come. And something tells me this humble rising star will still somehow find a way to vanish from the spotlight occasionally pursuing his myriad secret passions when the camera stops rolling.

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