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Adila Hassim Wikipedia – Ethnicity and Religion

Adila Hassim has rapidly risen to prominence as a leading human rights attorney and steadfast advocate for the oppressed in her native South Africa. Her impassioned legal work and activism continue making headlines across Africa and worldwide.

Most recently, Hassim represented South Africa in the high-profile January 2024 case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague. She shone a spotlight on alleged war crimes committed in the Gaza Strip – further bolstering her image as a champion for human rights.

As admiration for Hassim grows globally, many are curious to learn more about this driven lawyer’s background and path to success.

Adila Hassim Early Life and Education

  • Nationality: South African
  • Education: BA, LLB from University of Natal; LLM from Saint Louis University; JSD from Notre Dame
  • Occupation: Senior Counsel, human rights attorney
  • Areas of Focus: Socio-economic rights, health law, anti-corruption
  • Membership: Founding member, Corruption Watch
  • Current Role: Lead counsel for South Africa vs Israel at International Court of Justice

Born on January 15th in South Africa, Adila Hassim spent her formative years in the country before pursuing higher education abroad. While specific details on her childhood are scarce, Hassim has revealed she is proud of her native South African heritage.

After completing her primary and secondary schooling, Hassim attended the University of Natal in Durban where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) and a Bachelor of Laws (LLB).

Eager to expand her legal knowledge, Hassim then headed overseas on a Franklin Thomas Fellowship to Saint Louis University School of Law in Missouri. There she earned a Master of Laws (LLM) degree.

In 2006, Hassim completed her extensive academic journey with a Doctor of the Science of Law (JSD) from the prestigious Notre Dame Law School. Now armed with over a decade of intensive training, she finally returned to South Africa to begin putting her education into practice.

Her Meteoric Rise as a Human Rights Advocate

Upon moving back home, Hassim diving into human rights law – defending vulnerable and marginalized communities while confronting injustice however she could.

She quickly established herself as an authoritative voice on socio-economic rights, with extensive expertise focused on healthcare, education, social security and welfare policy. Hassim combined thorough research with passionate activism to produce tangible change.

By 2010, Hassim’s profile as an advocate was rising exponentially. That year she became a founding member of Corruption Watch, a non-profit anti-corruption outfit that would bolster her influence substantially over African politics.

Through concerted efforts across civic organizations, Adila Hassim rapidly emerged as one of South Africa’s most influential human rights attorneys. Her bold litigation and rhetoric on ending government corruption earned praise locally and abroad.

Hassim currently serves as a well-respected Senior Counsel at Thulamela Chambers while continuing to expand her human rights work.

Representing South Africa Against Israel on the World Stage

On January 11th, 2024, Adila Hassim stepped into the global spotlight when she appeared before International Court of Justice alleging Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip on behalf of South Africa.

Hassim presented oral arguments accusing Israel of violating Article II of the Genocide Convention through deliberate deadly attacks on Palestinian civilians and the political wing of Hamas.

She urged the court to recognize the systemic oppression of Gazans and uphold their basic human rights. Hassim cited airstrikes against schools, hospitals and dense neighborhoods as evidence of an illegal blockade. Her testimony drew attention across global media.

Speaking passionately in court, Hassim declared:

“For over 15 years, more than 2 million Palestinians in Gaza have endured a brutal and unjust blockade. They face regular deadly airstrikes, instability and violence most can barely imagine while the international community does little. Every human deserves to live freely with access to basic needs and security.”

Her advocacy in The Hague built upon years calling out forced removals, healthcare inequality, LGBTQ discrimination and other injustices hurting minorities. Adila Hassim has boldly battled to expand fundamental freedoms for all people time and again.

And at just in her 30s, Hassim’s human rights career is only beginning. Her early accomplishments predict a trailblazing leader that will shape national policy and drive progress for future generations.

With sharp intellect, bold vision and unwavering principles, Adila Hassim has already established herself as a force for good across Sub-Saharan Africa. Expect her influence advocating self-determination and advancement for overlooked groups to keep expanding for years to come.

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